How to Use Siri on iPhone 5

Siri replaces the Voice Control feature introduced with the iPhone 3GS, allows you to speak commands to your phone and have it do your bidding. In the latest version of iOS 6.0 it enables you to search for businesses, sports information, local restaurants and movie screenings, all by using the power of your voice.

Getting to know Siri
Apple’s voice-controller is now a better listener - and much, much smarter

Start up Siri

You activate Siri the same way as you did Voice Control on older iPhones: by holding down the Home button on the iPhone itself, or by holding down the control button on your wired or wireless headset.

What to say? You can ask Siri to do all kinds of things.
It’s great at working with text messages, simply say: “send a text to Dave that says hello, what time are we meeting tonight” and Siri will do exactly that (if you know more than one Dave, it’ll ask you which one – so you’ll need to speak out your answer). Excitingly, you can also do the same with your emails.

What does Siri know?
Source : The Complete Guide to the iPhone 5