PICSART PHOTO STUDIO ● iPhone | iOS 5.0 | Free | v1.6 PicsArt comes with a very obvious social
media presence to go alongside its main
editing features. Similarly to some of its
fellow editing suite apps, PicsArt covers both the
more serious and jovial editing aspects with colour
adjustment tweaks running alongside lters and
text e ects that can be dropped in. Sharing your
creations is a big part of PicsArt and while this is
of course possible using the likes of Instagram,
PicsArt o ers users more ways in which they can
make their photos stand out. The interface, too, is
very easy to get on with and as a result might just
draw a more creative side out of you.
Deserves its place here, but more likely to be a
go-to sharing app than a Touch replacement.
FOTOR PHOTO EFFECT STUDIO ● iPhone | iOS 5.0 | Free | v1.6 Fotor may not be a name that users are
instantly familiar with, but it’s most
de nitely worth some of your time and
photos. The app comes with a simple, layered
editing suite that gives users the chance to rstly
sharpen and enhance an image before adding
extras like lters and borders. Each e ect comes
with an individual slider for users to set just how
harsh or subtle the edit is. There is no doubting
the impressive usability that comes from Fotor.
This is the best candidate for the clichéd dark horse role in this group test.
Smart and functional for a great
user experience,
be bigger than it is.
SNAPSEED ● iPad+ | iOS 5.0 | Free | v1.5.1 Having been bought out by Google,
Snapseed went free and in doing so
brought one of the best photo-editing
suites to the masses. Where it’s so good is not just
in the easy-to-use lters that Instagram fans will
enjoy playing around with, but also through the
depth of editing features, such as point-by-point
saturation or contrast changes. All this comes in a
cool touch interface where drags on the screen
cue pop-up menus of the various tweaks that can
be made. The interface is also a key part of what
makes Snapseed such a desirable and usable app.
Always favourite to win this
contest due to its range of features
and how they’re presented.
Source.Apps Magazine UK Issue.32.2013